Study abroad with Spanish International

      A home-stay with a selected Mexican family is strongly recommended as the most compatible living arrangement for total-immersion language study. Students benefit not only from the additional conversation practice afforded by the family, but from first-hand participation in daily Mexican domestic life. As well, the host family provides the additional personal resource of a "home base" while students are away from their own homes and families. Some of our host families live in downtown apartments, some in the suburbs. Some are professional husband-and-wife couples, others have several children. But all have in common the willingness to share the charm of Mexican life through their warmest hospitality. Many friendships and even a few business ventures have grown out of these home-stay experiences, so in every way the rewards can be enriching and even life-long.

Share a home with a wonderful family.

[Spanish Programs][Professional Programs][Field Trips] [Home-Stays][Affordable][Financial Aid]

For further information E-mail Dr. Ramon Magrans.

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